請問開放多少職業 How many classes are open?
- 毀滅者、督軍、狂戰士、聖騎士、格鬥大師、拳霸、氣功師、鬥士、槍術士、惡魔獵手、槍炮大師、鷹眼、神槍手、卡牌魔術師、吟遊詩人、巫女、刀鋒、半魔人、畫師,未來還會陸續更新其他職業
- Destroyer, Warlord, Berserker, Holy Knight, Battle Master, Infighter, Soul Master, Striker, Lance Master, Devil Hunter, Blaster, HawkEye, Gunslinger, Arcana, Bard, Sorceress, Blade, Demonic, Artist. Other classes will be updated in the future.
請問什麼地區可以玩 What areas can play?
- 全亞洲地區都可以,包括香港、台灣、馬來西亞、新加坡、澳門、菲律賓、印尼、越南、泰國
但中國不保證能夠順利連上或者可能有延遲。 - Available throughout Asia, including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Macau, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Thailand
However, China does not guarantee a smooth connection or there may be delays.
請問除了中文,會有其他語言嗎 In addition to Chinese, are there other languages?
- 剛開服時只會有中文字幕,但開服後我們會盡快籌備其他語言補丁,例如英文。
- When the server is first launched, there will only be Chinese subtitles, but we will prepare other language patches, such as English, as soon as possible after the server is launched.
如何下載遊戲 How to Download?
- 下載鏈接:https://linktr.ee/Playworldark
軍團長副本開到哪裡 Raid progress?
- 小丑庫克塞頓 Kakul-Saydon (未來會開放其他軍團長)
有刻印支援嗎 Is there engraving support??
- 有的,當你達到一定的裝等就會看到刻印支援。
- Yes we have.